Jyothis Central School has a full-fledged library with more than 6400 books which includes more than 1000 reference books on various subjects, around 1000 science related books,600 mathematics books and more than 4200 fiction books on Malayalam, Hindi and English languages. Besides books around 15 journals and 8 different news papers are also subscribed in the library. Both teachers and students can utilize the library in order to keep their knowledge fresh and up to date. Every class is getting a library period once in a week .Students from classes I to V can utilize the library in their respective periods and children from VI to X can borrow the books from the library. They can keep the book for a week and if he/she needs the books for more than a week can also renew it. The school ensures the proper utilization of library by the students.
Jyothis Central School, Kannamba,Varkala, Kerala
858 902 444 5, 858 902 444 6,85890 24447
jyothisbharathpublicschool@gmail.com, jyothiscentralschoolvarkala@gmail.com